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AGM -  Weds  19 June 2024 at 7.30pm

AGM - Weds 19 June 2024 at 7.30pm

Christine Morrell5 Jun - 21:19
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To: All Voting Members of Newbury Rugby Football Club

Dear Club Members,


The AGM is open to all eligible members of the Club and will be held on Wednesday 19 June 2024 at 7.30pm at The Clubhouse, Monks Lane, Newbury Berks. RG14 7RW.

All voting Members are invited to attend; or if you would like to register your Apologies for absence please email the Secretary, Christine Morrell.

The Agenda for the meeting is attached with Minutes of the AGM held on 07 June 2023; and a current list of people nominated for election for the coming year. Further nominations for any position may be submitted by email/ in writing to reach the Secretary by Weds 12 June 2024 and will need a proposer, a seconder and the written consent of the nominee.

Also, there are two Proposals for Members' consideration and voting: any Amendments to the two Proposals should be sent in writing to reach the Secretary no later than 24 hours before the start of the AGM, ie by 7pm on Tues 18 June 2024 and should be duly proposed and seconded.

Please contact me in case of any queries

Christine Morrell

On behalf of Newbury RFC Committee
Email via:

PS: For those attending, please remember to bring your AGM documents with you.
Thank you.

(05 June 2024)


NRFC AGM 19 06 24 Agenda pack

Further reading