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NRFC AGM - Weds 19 June 2024, 7.30pm

NRFC AGM - Weds 19 June 2024, 7.30pm

Christine Morrell9 May - 16:40
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To: All Voting Members of Newbury Rugby Football Club

Notice is again hereby given to all Voting members of Newbury RFC that the AGM will be held on Weds 19 June 2024 at 7.30pm at The Clubhouse, Monks Lane, Newbury, Berks. RG14 7RW. All eligible members are very welcome to attend.

Please see the attached Notice for full details of the business to be transacted:

- Routine matters include approval of Minutes of the previous AGM, 7 June 2023; to receive a report from the Committee and a Financial update; and to appoint suitably qualified persons (accountants) to certify the Accounts. Plus for members to endorse any nominations for Honorary Life membership.

- At present, new Rules have not yet been fully approved by the FCA and elections will be held under existing Rules for the Officers and Committee members; the President and Vice President; and for a number of Trustees. Members are invited to make nominations for any role.

Most people have offered themselves for (re-)election; and there are a few key vacancies be filled on the Committee including for a Chair of the Juniors section; and also on the Board of Trustees. If anyone would like more information about any of the roles, please contact Club Chair/Sarah Tunstall via

* Please note that any nominations should be submitted in writing to the Secretary by 12 June; duly proposed and seconded, together with the written consent of the candidate.

- Finally members also are invited to put forward Proposals for consideration and voting by the AGM.

* Any proposals should be submitted to the Secretary by 22 May; duly proposed by one Member and seconded by another.

The Agenda shall be sent to members by 5 June, ie 2 weeks prior to the AGM and will include names of any known candidates nominated for (re-)election; and details of any proposals.

Christine Morrell
On behalf of Newbury RFC Committee
Email via:

(08 May 2024)


AGM 19 June 2024 Notice v2

Further reading